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my city is very unsympathetic.

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Posted by kiwiturtle on April 30, 2003 at 20:03:13:

In Reply to: my city is very unsympathetic. posted by sederah86 on April 30, 2003 at 19:28:40:

You're so brave! Wish you and your little guy all the luck. I don't have any expertise in this area, but some general comments. Anaesthetics are considered controlled substance (at least the ones used in mammals) so I'm not sure if it's easy to get. Dunno if there's special reptilian anaesthesia. And anaesthesia overdose could easily kill an animal so make sure you weigh your turtle and calculate the right amount to use! Are there alternative ways of knocking an animal out without using anaesthesia? Just an idea...I wonder if you can keep the turtle in a cold environment so that he falls asleep naturally and keep him cold during the operation!? This works for baby mice. Put the baby mouse in a paper box over ice and the mouse falls asleep. You can operate on the mouse while keeping it cold and revive it afterwards by warming it. This works only for baby mice, not adults. But again mice are warm-blooded and turtles are cold-blooded...

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