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Is she going to make it??

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Posted by sederah86 on April 26, 2003 at 22:53:54:

Okay. The vet was really nice to my turtle and she said the operation to remove the ear abscess would be fine and that my turtle was already very healthy so it wouldn't be a problem. The inital exam was 60 dollars for ten minutes of observations. She also told me that turtle pus isn't like human pus because it is like toothpaste...did anyone else know that? That's gross, but anyway, she said she was going to SCOOP it out which freaked me out. But nothing happened today. When I got the estimate for the operation my mother and I almost fainted. 400+ dollars. I don't know what to do. We don't have that kind of money...well we do but we wont be able to pay bills if we use it and I have to pay it all in one lump sum. I have no idea what to do. Does anyone know how dangerous an ear abscess is for a turtle if left untreated? :( I'm so sad. I'm so POOR! I don't want her to die. She is family.

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