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Posted by fenris on April 21, 2003 at 23:10:29:

In Reply to: Re: MY TURTLE MASSAGES HIS OWN HEAD?? posted by turtleyman on April 21, 2003 at 22:01:59:

he is quite the funny little sh!t. so is it ok for him to eat bluegill and bass? cause i usually have one big fish in his tank to give him something to do but after a few months he allways finally catches the fish off gaurd and BLAM! i'm stuck cleaning a cage covered in fish guts. i don't really mind i'd rather clean his tank than have his fat lazy ass never get any exercize but i mean fish bones aint going to hurt em or nuthin right?

o ya and also is it normal for a turtle to eat and keep eating till he is so full that he starts crapping just so he can eat more and to continue this cycle till all food has been consumed and crapped? cause if so i wonder how many other red ears are named Turdy like mine?

::i've noticed that while my turtle bask's sometimes he shakes his head back and fourth kinda violently and then he rubs the sides of his head with his long foreclaws he seems happy while he does it and is exibiting no other wierdness but what the hell is he doing??

:lol, hes just being a turtle! All turtles have their own personality..... he probably just itched or something.

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