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Re: school red eared slider

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Posted by maggie on April 17, 2003 at 14:47:26:

In Reply to: school red eared slider posted by SLACkra on April 17, 2003 at 13:26:44:

heat lamp: yes...I use an active mercury UVB lamp from (I'm not an affiliate) it provides heat+ UVB

a tank heater: yes although more water may mean an upgrade to an underwater heater with more power

Fluval 2: you may need a canister filter if there will be more water

would it be completely nessesary to get a uv/uvb tube? : Yes if the turtle will be indoors forever, No if it will outdoors (do you live in a warm state?) where it will get real sunshine

gravel: you don't need gravel (gravel makes cleaning a bit more harder but it helps with biological stuff) but big river rocks are fine
**if the tank is outdoors just construct a clear plexiglass fence thingy and a cover made from wire (whatever arrangment that will keep out predators and curious kids:)

Good luck and take photos:)

:hi all there is a male red eared slider at my school. he is approximatly 5inches long. he lives in a 20g tank with some rocks gravel and a heat lamp. thats it. because i finished my art project early i am going to be constructing a 1mx1mx1-2feet pondish thingy. i have a huge plastic tub. it goes from 1 foot deep to 2 feet deep. i am going to be stabilizing it in art and painting the outside to make it less of an eye soar. would it be ok to have him in there for the rest of his life with a heat lamp, a tank heater and a fluval 2? would it be completely nessesary to get a uv/uvb tube? thanks for your help

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