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Top of the Egg

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Posted by Maxx MacLeod on April 12, 2003 at 23:08:22:

In Reply to: What is the Top of the egg? posted by nogoodusernames on April 12, 2003 at 15:40:53:

Lorrinda-- I think I can shed some light on the egg issue. First of all, the "top" isn't the top until the eggs are 1 to 3 days old, depending on the species. Then the eggs "set" or "chalk" over. (The ones you got have already set.) When the eggs from most North American species set, there's a bubble or white area on the top of the egg. The embryo is on the bottom. The white bubble MUST stay on the top! So immediately switch them the other way around. It may already be too late but it's still worth trying to hatch them out anyway. But the first thing you should do after you read this is turn them around. If you need any other help incubating them, you can e-mail me directly and I'd be happy to help you out. --Maxx

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