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What is the Top of the egg?

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Posted by nogoodusernames on April 12, 2003 at 15:40:53:

The city I live in is doing major drainage work near a turtle and duck populated drainage canal and the entire area is being destroyed by hugh "tonka" truck machines. The men stumbled onto a nest of what I am pretty sure is slider or cooter turtle eggs (this is the only two breeds of turtle back there) three eggs remain unbroken. However, the men picked the eggs up before I could mark the egg top.

So, I don't know what way the eggs were originally. In otherwords, I'm not sure what's the "top". I can see attached pink on the top half of the egg and mostly just white toward the bottom half. So, thinking the embryo is the pinkish stuff I set the egg upright with the pink being the top and the white being the bottom. Does this sound like the correct direction?

I have hatched turtle eggs before but I didn't get them until they were two weeks before hatching. Any advise would be great.

If they hatch I will keep them until they are big enough to do okat on thier own and relocate them to safer ground. I know all about keeping wild turtles and will prepare them well and will release them in great homes depending on what type they really are.

Thanks in advance.


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