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Tiny turts

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Posted by periwinklewalnut on April 10, 2003 at 13:57:50:

my turtles are about an inch and a half long. I'm assuming they are still very young. Right now i'm just feeding them Tetrafauna ReptoMin sticks. From what i read though, thats not really a good enough variety right? So this is a list of other things i found...any comments about this stuff??

earthworms, crickets, sweet water shrimp, aquatic snails, water hyacinths, fruits, one commercial food, chicken, turkey, shrimp, tuna and lean beef, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, peas, grapes, apple peals, and aquatic plants question......are the earthworms and crickets and what not really necessary? me and worms and bugs just do NOT get there like frozen things that are DEAD that i can give them that are just as beneficial??


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