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Welx-- Had to say it for peace of mind, and...

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Posted by Jeff Nichols on July 09, 2002 at 17:18:03:

In Reply to: Thanks posted by Chance on July 09, 2002 at 15:34:36:

: Hey. Thanks for the advice. So far I've not yet had any kind of allergic reactions to stings or otherwise (and even lucky enough to not react to poison ivy....really helps when chasing those slippery black racers down into the scrub alongside roads, believe me), but I'm not going to take any more chances with the mangrove. Yeah, I have freehandled her some with gloves, and then without when I realized I couldn't even wave my hand in front of her face (gloved or otherwise) and provoke a defensive responce. Strange huh? I know she's healthy, because she's been dewormed and deflaggylated (sp?), and has eaten for me, so I guess I just lucked out and got the atypical mangrove snake. I've not had a snake yet that hasn't tried to tag me for moving too quickly, but this mangrove totally lacks any fear of humans. She isn't very big yet, about 4' or so (can't wait til she hits that 8' mark or bigger, heh). I just hope she retains her very placid attitude (except toward prey) for the rest of her life.

-- From what I've read you might have an atypical Mangrove. As I've indicated, I'm not a "hot" keeper unless BGF's results prove otherwise. But Mangroves (again from reading) seem to be a bit snippy. My credo remains-"There can be neither love nor loyalty exhibited in an animal who's (whos'???) eyes don't blink". Ever watchful, ever vigilant... and even then the unanticipated can happen.

Stay safe,
Jeff Nichols

P.S. I think I too could eat Poison Ivy for breakfast and suffer no ill. Doesn't mean I'd assume the risk of rolling around in it. Those racers can be a good time though, might (probably would be in the heat of the moment) be worth it :-).


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