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I am so sorry for your

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Posted by KelliH on February 04, 2003 at 17:28:27:

In Reply to: This is the worst day of my life ! posted by WaiLuiherp on February 04, 2003 at 14:10:05:

:When I woke up this morning, I smelled some burning smell in my house. My roomate Mike told me that he also noticed the burning smell in the middle of the night, but he found no fire in the house. One thing I know is that Mike will never go into my reptile room, because I don't want people to get inside and disturbe my animals.

:So I went to check my reptile room right away, I found the room filled with smoke and a burning smell. First I thought it had caused by the portable heater, but I found that burning smell actually came from one of my cages. This was the cage where I housed my female anerythristic moellendorffi, by the time I took her out, she was gone already, now my heart is so broken. The reason I wanted to share this with you is that I want people to know that those underneath cage heating tape is not 100% safe. I wonder if anybody here has had a similar experience like this before.

:She was a beautiful giant, you don't see that many female moellendorffi grown to over 6 lbs. I am not sure if I will ever find another anerythristic moellendorffi in my life again, but I am sure that not many people have seen an anerythristic moellendorffi before. I took a photo of her this morning, take a last look at her.


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