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I think I got the data right . . >

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Posted by terryp on February 01, 2003 at 22:48:01:

In Reply to: Yes, yes, and yes posted by Shanty on February 01, 2003 at 19:09:54:

The technical writing might make a low C in one of your Since you got me into this project,against my will (lol), I've been receiving, reading, absorbing and trading e-mails with you, KJ, and a few others concerning Bairdi. Someone sent me an e-mail the other day and it mentioned KJ said I was "wordy".lol. Just the fact he would attached an adjective to me is great. I've told him before that I put a lot of facts out there and if it isn't right, I want to know. I want to make sure what I am saying is right. My abrupt statements on my post responding to your post on the male looking like a Mexican Bairdi was not addressed at you or the post. I wanted to make sure we were on the same wave length. We're both in agreement (I really didn't think we were not) and anyone reading this thread should know that your statement of the male looking like a Mexican Birdi is just that. It may be one, but a Texas Bairdi can look like a Mexican and unfortunately we have no locale data. Adam Block stated to me that the Bairdi trio I received from him are Texas Bairdi and that's what they are until I see or hear something proving them something else. Thanks for the great forum discussion. it let me practice what I have been researching. The more I learn about bairds rat snakes, the more I appreciate and see in these creatures.


:Terry -- great run down on the Texas vs Mexican bairdi.

:1) Yes, there are certain physical and behavioral differences, but no more so than found in the C. l. klauberi from the Franklins here in El Paso and those that live at higher elevations further south in Mexico. Variability in that species is as dramatic as in the bairdi. New Mexico klaubs are different than Texas klaubs which are different than Mexican klaubs. There are slight behavioral changes as we go further south too.

:2) Yes,we don't KNOW the two sources of the founder pair. Wish we could answer that question. I "hear," and understand, your angst over my observation that the male looks more Mexican than Texan.

:3) Yes, we need to backcross the male to a daughter to see whether the red is intensified. I don't know if that will answer #2 above, however. That's the plan.


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