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Re: Check your dictionary...

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Posted by KJUN on January 24, 2003 at 19:22:54:

In Reply to: Re: Check your dictionary... posted by Alan Garry on January 23, 2003 at 11:46:22:

If a vettold me they would do an autopsy on one of my snakes I would (1) ask them what species THEY were and (2) find a new vet that remembered enough from their training to know the definition of necropsy versus All joking aside, I hate vets that talk down to people this way because we are expected to be too stupid to know better. Heck, I wouldn't even go to a vet who called venomous snakes "poisonous!" BUT, I've had horrible experiences with too many vets for me to remain unbiased. Heck, one even beats me to a pulp every time I don't do what she says! How's that for mean???

On another note, since "auto" (as in "self") seems to imply that you are performing the action on your OWN body, I don't think the process in question should be called an autopsy even when performed on the member of one's own species (e.g., humans in this case). If I wrote the rules of the world, "necropsy" would be used across the board for all such procedures.

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