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Re: Also..

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Posted by Alan Garry on January 24, 2003 at 16:59:17:

In Reply to: Re: Also.. posted by Ecarinata on January 24, 2003 at 11:19:29:

:Sweet! I'm partial to black snakes. I have 2.1 black pines, 2.3 black milks, 1.1 mexican black kings and 1.1 Indigos.

Forgot to mention I have a reverse trio of gaigeae. I'm waiting another year to get more size on the female. I did have a real nice pair of black pines, but my female got eggbound and died. I have since started keeping my northerns in larger cages and that seems to have helped. The black rat project is still in the early stages, but I am starting to see some results.

I too have a nice trio of Northern pines.

:FWIW I believe the prasina and radiata are closely related to the beauties, and redtails. I also believe the janseni, black janseni, silver redtails are all redtails just color morphs from different parts of the range.
:I also feel the old world elaphe are not closly related to the new world Elaphe. Otherwise Im sure our buddies over in the Hybrid forum would be producing black rat x blue beauties (black and blue beauties???), Everglades rats x mandarin rats (Mandarin oranges???) by now.

I hear you.

:As for the E.carinata. I don't know what it is, but I sure know what it isn't! It's not an Elaphe/ratsnake. It's eyes, scales, personality, intelligence( sorry guys they are WAY smarter than any ratsnake old or new world that I have ever seen) and appetite for other snakes tell me it's something else entirely.

It seems like snakes that eat other snakes tend to be more intelligent and alert; indigos, king cobras, to name a couple. However lampropeltis seems to be average in that respect.

:Feedback is Welcome.


I have always liked black snakes too. Let me know when you produce some black pines. I miss mine.

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