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You know you're a herper when..

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Posted by clifford on May 13, 2003 at 19:38:39:

In Reply to: You know you're a herper when.. posted by Kestrel on May 10, 2003 at 03:50:26:

Brie, it's scary that I can actually picture this whole scenario taking place. =)


:I was getting ready to feed the larger of my snakes tonight, and in the process got hungry myself. So I made myself a sandwich.. Then went to the basement freezer and pulled out some rabbits and a couple bags of jumbo rats, Piled them all carefully in my arms, and carried them back to the kitchen. Then came the delimma. Once I had loaded my arms up with frozen rabbits and rats, I could no longer carry my sandwich. Hmmmmmm. So I managed to get the sandwich perched ontop of my stack of frozen animals I had in my arms, and was walking upstairs to the bathroom(i dump them in the tub with warm water to thaw), when I passed my mother on the stairs, who stopped. Looked. And emitted a rather loud "EWWWWWW!!!!" and a "Damn Brie you're morbid!". My responce was just "what? saving myself a trip." and a snicker. It really is funny the differences in opinions of whats "gross" or acceptable, between herp people and otherwise. Although I have to admit the image of myself with an armfull of dead animals, and a sandwich perched ontop of it all, is kind of funny.

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