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I'm confused about the genetics . . .

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Posted by JakeM on May 07, 2003 at 15:48:49:

In Reply to: oops, forgot the link posted by Dave Barker on May 07, 2003 at 12:15:33:

Could you tell me which animals you bred to get this clutch? If you bred a homozygous ivory to a normal, the entire clutch should have been made up of those het. ivories. If you bred two homozygous ivories together, all the babies should have been homozygous ivories. If you bred a homozygous and a het. ivory together, there shouldn't have been any normals in the clutch. The only breeding I could see resulting in the clutch you got would be a het. to a het. This doesn't seem to be the case, though, because in your gallery you have an adult homozygous ivory.


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