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large snakes

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Posted by Jaymz on April 30, 2003 at 15:45:27:

In Reply to: size matters posted by Tatoe on April 28, 2003 at 16:49:58:

the longest species in the world is the Reticulated python (Python reticulatus) the Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) is a close second. none of the giant snakes are suitable for begginers..i mean they all have the potential to be deadly, and not just at feeding time, lets face it, most of the giant snakes can be downright evil at times...even the docile ones. how do you intend to house a large snake? cuz lets face it, its not a simple thing, alot of the truely giant snakes need very large cages, and with a retic, conda or burm that cage could be larger than a room. feeding is pretty expensive, handling is out unless you have someone else expierienced with large snakes around at all time. and feeding timenow becomes hazardous...think of a 15 foot retic lunging at you and how fun 6 rows of teeth coming at you at a high speed, not fun. it takes alot of time to learn how to care for these animals properly and a large monetary investment in some cases, think long and hard about this, and remember if something happens you not only chance you life, but your right to keep these amazing animals, as well as everyone elses rights to keep these animals.


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