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i chose my words poorly, more

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Posted by Jaymz on May 02, 2003 at 20:00:30:

In Reply to: large snakes posted by BrianSmith on May 01, 2003 at 04:40:42:

i didnt mean they are out to get you when i said evil, im the last person to anthromorphise any animal. however, a cranky retic and an under expierienced person = bad things. i, and im sure you and many others, can pretty easily "read" my snakes (lets face it, we dont keep these animals to only pay attention to them now and then).

as to housing, 8 x 4 feet is a room, atleast in parts of ny and california. actually my bedroom growing up was 6 x 9 feet. but thats still a pretty big cage, anyway you look at it. can be pretty inexpensive to build tho. but most people would rather buy something premade, i myself want more room so i can build my own cages. as to feeding, if i had room for a tiny colony id do it, its cheap youre right, but, like i said, not everyone has room or time for that. some people would prefer to buy food. some people dont have credit cards, and others dont have an inexpensive resource for snake chow. i mean, if i could id have a great big rat colony pumping out babies for me, but i live in a condo, thats already very cramped. atleast its not that 6 x 9 room anymore! lol. i wrote that post for the lay person, not for the serious into it hobbyists, its all stuff we should already know backwards and forwards. but its also stuff we had to learn at some point.


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