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Yes, it's normal,...

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 29, 2003 at 14:58:59:

In Reply to: Do your bloods poo EVERY time you soak them? posted by cutlass1972 on April 29, 2003 at 14:24:20:

I provide all my pythons with soak tubs, but some use them every single day. The bloods and the ceylonese are very much water loving pythons and will soak and defecate almost every day in the water. To me it is more convenient to dump, rinse and refill the tubs than it is to change the paper. The only drawback to me is that if this takes place while I am away or asleep then they will still lay in this mess. I think I am going to start putting two soak tubs in these species' cages. This would give them a clean pool to go to when one becomes soiled.

:My borneo poo's every time. does not matter if I soak her every day, evein if it is just a little marshmallow looking thing. Is this normal?

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