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Yes, it's normal,...

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 29, 2003 at 16:10:54:

In Reply to: Yes, it's normal,... posted by johnv on April 29, 2003 at 15:40:56:

Oh, I wasn't implying that they are "smart enough" to choose a clean tub over a dirty one, but I do think they would instinctually yearn for cleaner water to soak in. I will try this system beginning today and in a week or two will begin to post my findings. Oh,. and your blood sounds like maybe he is a very nervous snake. Try placing his soak tub under another hide/box. I'd wager that he will soak then.

:I dont think snakes are smart enough to switch from a soiled bowl to a clean one. I sometimes worry..I fed my baby sumatran last night and you would think he would go to the warm side of the cage to help digest, but he just went to the cool end. If my python relieves itself in a hidebox over night, he'll stay there til` next morning when i clean it. Also, my blood will not voluntarily soak. He has the water dish and everything, but he never uses it. Snakes have weird ideas about comfort.

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