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Re: Oh No!! Help-- my digital camera died!

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Posted by philip_sallee on April 14, 2003 at 18:49:42:

In Reply to: Oh No!! Help-- my digital camera died! posted by bloodycats on April 11, 2003 at 23:13:54:

I know the feeling I had a little hp photo smart 215 and died on me a few months ago, I took over 7,000 pictures with that darn thing, 1.0 mp, 2 digtal zoom that was about it, it had ducktape holding it togeter and pipe gule to keep water out when I when conoing lol. But I got a fuji finepix 3800 3.2 mp 6 op zoom and 3 digital, and has alot of other little settings my other did not have, and up to 20 mins of video with sound on a 64 mb XD card. I have been really pleased with it, the down side is, you cant use the optical zoom in macro, and you can only use dital to 2 mp, and you lose more digital zoom as you get higher mp, so takeing a 3 mp macro shot is a pain. But the msrp is $400.00 but my brother inlaw works at radio shack and I got it with his discount for $300.00. But I would get a new camera, there are tuns alot better then what you did have in your price range, look on ebay, my brother got a 3 mp diggy for $150 (its some wierd off brand, I dont like it) but good luck and let us know what you do!

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