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Oh No!! Help-- my digital camera died!

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Posted by bloodycats on April 11, 2003 at 23:13:54:

I have (or had, I guess) an Olympus 2.1 megapixel D-490 zoom. I had it plugged in to my computer to download some snake pics and afer about 1/2 hour of downloading, I heard a "pop" from the direction of the camera and instantly got a message that the computer couldn't read the camera. Crap! The power was off on the camera but everything else seemed all right. I thought it could be an electrical problem, but everything else plugged into that power strip is a-ok. Tried plugging it in again, into a different outlet, fresh batteries. . . nothing! So, I NEED a digital camera-- I'm an artist who relies on it somewhat to do what I do! I'm thinking it's probably more cost effective, this being a what, 2 year old camera, to buy new camera rather than have it fixed. On the Olympus site it says MINIMUM cast to repair this model camera is $115.00!! I have longed for a camera with a better macro feature fro my close-up work. Yet I'm NOT ready to spend what I really need to to get a great high-end camera. So, some advice here, photographers-- should I try to have the darn thing fixed, or should I get a new one? And if so, I need advice on mid-range digital cameras with a good macro feature. I can spend up to about $500, but would love to have something less expensive if the quality is there-- this will set me back on some other plans by at least a paycheck. Grr! Thanks for listening to this long rant and any help you can give.

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