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Re: Southern Painted...can they say in a pond year round??

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Posted by NOLA on April 09, 2003 at 12:52:08:

In Reply to: Re: Southern Painted...can they say in a pond year round?? posted by nathana on April 09, 2003 at 09:24:54:

:it depends on where you live.

:Some species in areas that don't have the water freeze over entirely will come out occasionally on sunnier or warmer days through the winter. Others will still stay buried at the bottom all winter long.

:Some keepers will keep a hole in the ice all winter (probably mostly important on smaller ponds). A substrate is a good idea, since it lets them bury normally at the bottom. Without it, some caves and places they can tuck away will do. In nature they bury in the mud at the bottom of the body of water. Some species are quite active in the cold (spotteds and woods). Spotteds can be seen basking on sunny cold mornings right next to snow and ice. Woods have been seen walking along beneath frozen ice sheets covering the water. Snappers have also been seen doing this, and one person here once posted a picture of a snapper prowling under ice.

Well I live in New Orleans Louisianna...the water hardly ever freezes here...almost never. This past winter we had a few nights where it got below 32 and that was only a few nights. Anyone know about painteds and maps as far as outdoor ponds year round???

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