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Homemade snake food

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Posted by michael56 on October 20, 2002 at 19:16:40:

First I have to bless my wife for all her help through the last couple of hours. I'm experimenting with homemade sausage as a supplement food and without the correct stuffing tools it's a disgusting, messy chore. Anyway, collagen casing, stewing beef, beef liver, chicken gizzards and a trout. Reptile vitamins added in the mixing bowl after grinding. AND a turkey baster with the end cut off, held onto a zip-lok bag for stuffing. What a joke. 15 minutes to buy everything including the grinder, 10 minutes to grind and 20 minutes to fill each sausage! Oh, and my pregnant daughter gagging through-out the entire process. BUT, the redbelly and florida grabbed their treat and wolfed it down! I'm actually suprised at the "urgency" they exhibited as the food was offered however it was directed at the sausage and not my fingers. The yellowbelly is showing indifference to his snack at the moment but he was'nt named Schizoid for nothing. I'll leave it for an hour (raw organ meat) and if not eaten, dispose of the food. I'm experienting to see if I can produce something appropriate (and size) for the young ones to get away from goldfish. Anyone else faking food?

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