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Finally, PICS!

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Posted by snakeguy88 on October 19, 2002 at 22:06:43:

Ok Here they are. Talking to scott about the cameras prompted me to think about taking some later on. So here they are.

The baby blotched scott gave me:

These are the pics of what I think is a dark adult blotched, but anyone is free to contest this as I have been second guessing myself alot on this(ask scott, I would flip around talkin about yellowbellies and blotched like it was goin outta fashion). Anyway, feel free to correct me. My first impression was yellowbellied with alot of pattern or a very dark transversa:

And a few herps that are non-Nerodia.

Weird colored Gulf Coast toad for one of its size (I had always listed it as Bufo valliceps until I was told of the taxonomy change and I can not put my finger on the new latin)

Rough Earth Snake, nothing fancy but these little insectivores are always fun and this one has more red than most I see (Same species as the first snake I ever kept)

Thanks for taking the time to look. Sorry they are not in their natural surroundings or on displays. Not much I can toss together at 9:30 at night to make a nice pic. Anyway, I will try to get the more naturalistic pics of the cottonmouth I caught up sometime this week. Andy

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