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Forgive me for being a skeptic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Posted by FroggieB on March 25, 2003 at 17:13:06:

In Reply to: Re: THE BEST HERP PET STORE (in maryland, USA) posted by Joe on March 24, 2003 at 15:26:13:

But having worked with these guys for several years I can't imagine anyone who would sell a CB MHD for only $15. By the time you have invested 6 month in electricity, feed and general care you have way too much invested to sell them that cheap! I won't sell my babies younger than 6 months and consider that a bit early for any but the most experienced herpers. Even then some have lost them due to not following my set-up instructions.

A lot of imports have been coming into the US much younger so more have their horns that what used to. Now, I am not calling the owners and staff of this store liars but it is possible that to make a sale they are stating that these are CB or it is even possible that the person who sold them to the pet store stated that they were CB. It is not uncommon for this to happen in order to ‘Make A Sale.’

My recommendation is that you have a fecal check done to make sure there are no parasites. If there are, you can almost bet they are WC. If not, they were probably either treated or they really are CB. I just want to make sure that you know that just because someone says something is CB does not mean that it is. CAVEAT EMPTOR: LET THE BUYER BEWARE!!!

Just my 2 cents and analytical mind!


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