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Seems you didn't understand...

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Posted by Clay on May 04, 2003 at 16:23:22:

In Reply to: Will a Savana Monitor eat feeder guppies? posted by savana_man on May 03, 2003 at 22:58:09:

I didn't want to give you a yes or no answer, I wanted to stimulte some thought. Something went wrong, as you aren't thinking yet.

The big question is why do you want to feed guppies (and now goldfish, too)?

What on earth do they offer that other, much healthier, much cheaper prey does not?

I will tell you a few things, freshwater fish are FULL of parasites, virii and bacteria. Most pet stores lose over half their stock.

They are of no nutritional value to a monitor, in fact they are detrimental to their health. Many freshwater fish have a lot of thiaminase. This is an enzyme which, in a nutshell, results in a vitamin B1 deficiency overtime.

I think I remember reading somewhere that one of the few (or only?) freshwater fish that didn't have thiaminase was trout.

By the way, Vitamin B1 deficiency due to diets high in fish are a common occurance in some parts of the globe (SE Asia) for humans.

So again, no yes or no answer, rather I suggest you use your brain and dont' waste your money. ;)

It is your lizard and in the end its up to you do with it as you please...

- Clay -

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