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Re: Milk Snake on a budget

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Posted by Pondoris on March 10, 2003 at 18:12:52:

In Reply to: Milk Snake on a budget posted by BruceHallman on March 10, 2003 at 16:27:11:

:My daughter [11 yrs old] has been begging me for over a year to keep a pet snake, and she is especially fond of Milk Snakes because of her experience with them in her classroom. I really want to say yes to her!

:I don't have a lot of money to waste, and I see that keeping a snake for a pet can cost a lot of money!

:I would appreciate some advice about how to enjoy a snake as a pet, while not spending an arm and a leg .

:1) Equipment, I have already scrounged a used 60 gallon tank, with undertank heater, screen lid, and thermometer. I also found a 60 watt ceramic IR radient heater.

*****I dont like in-tank heaters. . .too many things can go wrong so fast. Might want to invest in a 10 gallon aquarium(for a hatchling or small yearling). Or you can alwayz go spend a few dollars on a RubberMaid or similar appropriate sized, plastic box. Young snakes can become overwhelmed if the habitat is too large. If going with the plastics (or aquarium) be sure the lids fit very tightly, and drill holes to allow ventilation. Also not a bad idea to stick something heavy on the top for peace of mind. A few hide boxes are a must. . .can use anything from used food tubs that dont allow light to pass through (butter etc). . .or you can go and buy a few fancy hides. Be sure to have ATLEAST one on the warm end and one on the cool end. A water bowl. . .I prefer glass, because I find it easier to clean. . .basically if it holds water and wont spill over it'll be fine. I keep young snakes on paper. . .but alot of ppl use other substrates, maybe they can help you there. Let me stress again a SECURE lid. If you want a display piece you can spend quite a bit on cage furniture, or you can start cheap(less than $20) and decide from there. Be sure to have all the necessary requirements so that your new friend will feel secure and at home. I'm sure I forgot a thing or two, so help me out here.

:2) The snake, we can live without the expense of owning one of the rare fancy breed that cost upwards of $500! Are more common varieties cheaper? [I hope.] Where might they be found?

******You can find milk snakes starting at $30. . .but in your case I'd search the archives for advice on an easily hand-tamed milk snake. . .I find my Hondurans easily hand-tamed, but MANY people say that they are neurotic until atleast a year old. A variety of opinions can be found in the milk snake forum archives.

:3) A mouse a week, hmmm, what does that cost?

********A feeding schedule MUST be maintained. The size of prey and how often the snake should be fed depends on the size of the snake and age. Its not recommended to feed live prey that can and will cause harm to the snake. You can find frozen feeders across the US, and they are generally cheaper than you can get live at pet stores.

:4) What other costs haven't I thought about?

********A snake is just like every other pet being kept. . .sometimes they require veterinary care. . .and as a responsible pet owner you need to keep that in mind BEFORE you purchase the animal.

Peace and Good Luck,

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