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looks good, think they are strong enough to hold sand? more

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Posted by SFgeckos on May 07, 2003 at 14:32:32:

In Reply to: Answers and a few PICS.. posted by KelliH on May 07, 2003 at 12:29:26:

88-90F is perfect for my other geckos...but can the plastic hold sand (3-5lbs per box!)?? all the plastic racks i've tried sag over time...i only use plastic for leos, melamine for the others.
maybe i'll get one of those racks later this year and test it out...

i also like the "old g" matrix racks, nothing beats their quality and price!



:They are heated with heat cable that is routed into the back of the rack. I have always used Matrix racks with heat from below but last year my husband and I built a rack and ran 11" heat tape down the back, the geckos do just as good in it.

:I checked the temps in the back of the boxes and they are hovering right around 90 so they are getting the heat they need, it's just not direct belly heat.What I might do is purchase some foil tape and run stripes of it from the back of the sweater boxes to about 1/4" of the way down the bottom. I bet this will transfer more heat to the bottom. I'll keep you posted.




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