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UPDATE - report from WA HB1151 hearing (4/1/03) attendee

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Posted by wittsd on April 03, 2003 at 13:55:00:

In Reply to: Re: wash revised bill? posted by wittsd on April 01, 2003 at 08:13:27:

WA HB1151 hearing went fairly well, but still an ongoing battle.
More letters/other communications *against* this bill which has
serious impact on future potential for herp ownership in WA are
still required.
Plz. forward this note, as required.

email addys:
full text & notes on WA HB1151:

Note from Jeanne Hall at the 1151 hearing in Olympia on Tuesday.
Further ongoing comments and discussion on



From: "Jeanne Hall"
Date: Thu Apr 3, 2003 9:33 am
Subject: Yesterday's 1151 hearing

(alerts list) and Phoenix
First the surprise!
Three unexpected speakers against the bill showed up and spoke after all but
one of our guys had their say.
Someone from the Association of Cities
Someone from the Association of Counties
Someone from the city of Everett that contracts to a number of nearby cities
for animal control.
The bill had gotten a price tag attached to it between the time we last
heard of it and the hearing. Seems to be a standard thing the legislature
Since the job of permitting and such is to be done by cities and counties,
the financial impact fell to them.
In brief, their answer was - noooo. Or have the state pay for it. The gal
from the Assoc of Cities had only found out about bill last Thursday and I
think she said she was new to the post too.
She had an excellent point about the costs involved in starting up something
like that. A state wide rule would require all cities and all counties to
set up the required permit system regardless of whether a need exists.
And so on.
The bill seems to have become an unfunded mandate.
Our guys all did great! Everyone got to speak and the best speakers were
able to get signed in first, just in case only a few were chosen. Many of
us had lots of written material and plenty of copies to present when we
The trips we have been making to the capitol every few days have really paid
off. At least some of the folks there know us, remember the bush baby lemur
Gloria has brought a couple times and definitely remember the Phoenix book.
THANK YOU!! To all who have purchased and donated batches of 10 for hand
out!! I think it is around 40-45 that have been handed out (maybe more) to
the various committee members and other interested folks we've encountered
One, was to the Health and Long Term Care Committee staff person. Last week
Gloria and I had a really long chat with her and left her a book. Might
even have her attend one of the local cat club (ACEF branch of FCF) monthly
Yesterday, while we were setting up for the hearing, she asked for more
copies of the book. 7 to be exact, so it could be given to each of the
committee members when we got up to speak.
Luckily, one of our attendees had a batch and he donated them. We even had
one for the Senate investigator that asked for one at the end of the
Our speakers were really great. I am terrible at remembering everyone's
speech and did not take notes, so someone else may need to jump in and hit
the highlights of the speeches. Most of the points we have discussed here
were addressed. Dave Coleburn chatted with the fellow who is upset about
the tiger and lion up north and plans have been initiated to resolve the
situation. Dave announced to the committee as part of his talk that Phoenix
would handle the situation. That PAWS had not and 1151 would not, but we
Thanks Dave!
(And he did follow the rules for such projects and has taken on the project
to get done)
I'm trying hard to put together coherent sentences on what everyone spoke
on, but am failing.
Maybe someone could locate one of those tape links like we had for the
January meeting?
Most of the folks attending where at the January hearing. And, we had some
folks up from Oregon too!
There were varying opinions on whether or not the committee was for or
against the bill and where they stand now.
I would like to say that WE made all the difference, have been heard and the
bill has been thrown out! But, I really don't know what effect we have had
on this bill for sure. The financial requirements of the bill are probably
going to stop it (my opinion). Can't guess the outcome if the financial
price tag had not been added.
Over all, a good hearing with LOTS of chat after.
You guys are doing a great job on this bill!!
This legislative session ends soon and I believe yesterday's hearing was the
last public one.
Not time to quit on 1151 yet, but there are other states in need.
This is the link to jump on the list specifically regarding the Oregon bill:
I know we have bills in other states too, but don't have a list site handy
to refer folks to, if there are separate lists. And if not, the Phoenix
list can be used to coordinate efforts of course.
The Association of Cities and the Association of Counties probably have
equivalent organizations in other states and might prove very useful.
Well, that's what I recall right now of the hearing!

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