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News & Events:
Posted by wittsd on April 04, 2003 at 18:05:25:
In Reply to: sounds good....and news from oregon posted by herpluver on April 03, 2003 at 18:23:59:
Just when you think...
hot off the press; 1151 passed out of committee on the last
day possible :(
- more over on the Phoenix list.
(or email Jeanne -jeanneh@tds.net - to be added to the 1151
alerts list)
Still scoping this out...
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 12:43 AM
> (alerts list and Oregon bill list)
> >From the WA website - re 1151
> ---- Apr 4 HEA - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
> I just got off the phone with the legislative hotline folks.
> 1151 is now ESHB1151.
> It passed out of committee today. There are a number of amendments. The
> lady on the phone gave me the highlights. 2 senators and 2 representatives
> have to do a study on risk and prevention. And a lot of restrictions are
> listed.
> The bill report containing these amendments is on its way to me by email. I
> will send it to you the minute I get it. Even before I read it my self.
> J
ESHB 1151
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Health & Long-Term Care, April 3, 2003
Title: An act relating to the keeping of dangerous wild animals.
Brief Description: Regulating the keeping of dangerous wild animals.
Sponsors: House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Lovick,
Lantz, Jarrett, Miloscia, Delvin, Moeller, Wallace, Simpson and Upthegrove).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Health & Long-Term Care: 4/1/03, 4/3/03 [DPA].
Majority Report: Do pass as amended.
Signed by Senators Deccio, Chair; Winsley, Vice Chair; Brandland, Franklin, Keiser,
Parlette and Thibaudeau.
Staff: Rhoda Donkin (786-7198)
Background: Current state law bans private ownership of certain wild species of animal,
such as coyotes, skunks, raccoons, bats, and foxes because they are known carriers of rabies.
Other wild animals may not be brought into this state because the introduction of their genes
and the disease they could bring make them a threat to the state’s indigenous wildlife. The
state Fish and Wildlife Department also regulates the ownership of certain wild animals
naturally found in the state.
The federal government, through the United States Department of Agriculture, regulates the
management of exotic species of animals that are involved in some sort of commercial
enterprise, including exhibiting these animals. Rules for the care and treatment of monkeys,
large cats, snakes, bears, and crocodiles, for example, are specific and enforced by the
The number of privately-owned exotic pets in this state is unknown. As pets alone, their
handling, care, and treatment is largely determined by the owners themselves, and the various
associations which coordinate and share exotic pet owning activities. There has been concern
that some of these animals pose a public health threat because some are not capable of
domestication and they may carry disease which can be passed to humans. For example,
some nonhuman primates are aggressive after they reach puberty, and their bites are
considered dangerous. Large felines are predatory by nature, and if not handled with utmost
understanding of this, can be extremely dangerous. All cold blooded animals are considered
carriers of salmonella and the introduction of them into the home may increase the possible
exposure to that illness. Certain monkeys carry the B-virus, which if contracted by humans
causes fatal encephalitis.
Senate Bill Report ESHB 1151 -1-ഊAnimal control is regulated on the city and county level in Washington. Some cities and
counties currently ban the ownership of certain classes of animals. For example, King
County bans ownership of venomous snakes, nonhuman primates, bears, nondomesticated
felines and canines (wolves and coyotes), and crocodiles.
According to the Association of Washington Cities, there are 56 cities that employ an animal
control officer or an equivalent position. In areas where no animal control authority exists,
the local sheriff’s office enforces local animal control ordinances.
Summary of Amended Bill: A study must be conducted by two members of the Senate and
two members of the House of Representatives that will identify the risks and preventive
measures needed in owning wild exotic animals.
Amended Bill Compared to Substitute Bill: The amended bill contains only a study of
exotic wild animals as pets. The substitute bill established numerous restrictions on owning
exotic wild animals.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: (original bill) These animals are wild and should never be pets. They pose
a safety and health threat to people and the care they require is beyond the capacity of most
people. There are no regulations protecting the public, and many other states currently
regulate them.
Testimony Against: (original bill) The state has no right to ban owning pets. There have
been far more incidents of dog bits than there are of any exotic animal hurting anyone. This
law penalizes responsible owners. Banning these animals will only force owners
Testified: (original bill) David Coleburn, Predators of the Heart (con); David K. Hall,
Pacific NW Herpetological Society (con); Justin D. Krueger, Puget Sound Reptiles (con);
John G. Lussmyer, Alliance for the Conservation of Exotic Felines (con); Jeanne Hall,
Phoenix Exotic Wildlife Assn. (con); Selena Michaelis, Alliance for the Conservation of
Exotic Felines, Phoenix Exotic Wildife Assn. (con); Sarah Hodges, Pacific Northwest
Herpetological Society (con); Tammy Fellin, Assn. of WA Cities (con); Doug Levy, City of
Everett (con); Sophia Byrd, WA Assoc. of Counties (con); Gloria Gilbert, Business Rainbow
Pets (con); Frannk Bodunulk (con); Sharon Ensley, PNWE, FCF, AZA (con); Jennifer
Hillman, PAWS (pro); Dick Riddle (pro); John Huckabee (pro); Dr. Stewart Metz (pro);
Gary Geddes, Executive Director, Pt. Defiance Zoo and Northwest Trek (pro); Gordon
Walgren, Federation of Animal Care and Control Agencies (pro); Jim Jennings, Washington
Animal Control Association (pro); Bruce Morgan, Washington Alternative Livestock Assn.
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