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Re: Colorado Anti-Exotic Laws

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Posted by LK on November 12, 2002 at 15:07:35:

In Reply to: Colorado Anti-Exotic Laws posted by faunexotic on October 28, 2002 at 23:32:06:

I emailed and ask them to correct the problem

:Just applied to Colorado Wildlife department for a permit to keep venomous reptiles etc. called a commercial wildlife park permit $100.00 a year and had my facility inspected and passed. The district supervisor had to sign off and refused, a reason was not given. Upon further checking I am told only 5 permits in 15 years for exotic reptiles had been issued. This is in my opionion a bogus permit put out on the web just to look legitimate as a Wildlife Department. I was told to remove my C.l.lepidus from the Great State of Colorado or face prosecution. Here is the link to the Colorado Special Permits Division, please email them and inquire what it would take to change such a blanket law as they have in place.
:Check out their first page stating that anything not on the unregulated list is against the law. Funny thing is that Gilas and Beaded Lizards are on the unregulated list (which I love since I will secure many), go figure!!!
:Wlamor/Fauna Exotica Inc.

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