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Re: Laws Re: Green Iguanas in Australia & New Zealand?

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Posted by jamina on October 31, 2002 at 18:17:51:

In Reply to: Laws Re: Green Iguanas in Australia & New Zealand? posted by asra_valorshon on October 30, 2002 at 22:42:50:


The laws are very restrictive with exotics. You cannot legally bring them in to this country. I have asked many different authorities and they all have the same answer.

You can bring in your dog or your cat or your bird or even your fish if you want, but not your's a joke, do you get it?

If you get caught trying to smuggle it into Australia there are prison terms up to 10 years, and if you're caught with it in Australia there are prison terms of up to 5 years. And also fines of up to $100,000. Depending on how you get caught. If you got caught coming off the plane you could get 10 years. If you got caught at your house you could 5 years. Yes, it is pretty f**ked but that's what it's like. It's very similar to Hawaii. You cannot legally bring in most exotics into Hawaii. If you get caught with exotics in Hawaii you can get 3 years in jail and/or a $200,000 fine.

I am in the process (with about 350 other herpers) of initiating a federal lawsuit against whomever is responsible for this outrageous discrimination. It is discrimination, make no mistake about that at all.

Will we ever win? If people power I believe we can.


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