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I failed at kingsnake ownership, i guess i really screwed up

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Posted by KingOz on May 11, 2003 at 20:05:14:

In Reply to: I failed at kingsnake ownership, i guess i really screwed up posted by -ryan- on May 10, 2003 at 20:32:56:


First, all snakes can bite...even the ones that have been "tame" for years. Kings are great, lovely animals...but when you keep them, keep in mind that you will get bit sooner or later. Make sure that if you get into snakes, you are no longer afraid of them. It’s like admiring a beautiful stallion. He’s fast, strong, graceful, noble, majestic, and sleek…you can watch him in the field (like looking at someone else’s snakes) but its just is not the same as riding him (owning the snake). So, you get on his back and for the first 50 times you ride him its great…. people watch you thinking “wow, look at him ride that stallion”, the wind is in your hair etc.…then on the 51 time he throws a “moment” and you land on yer a$$. Now, if you were a little afraid of him the “moment” he throws will be more traumatic than if you are not afraid of him. Why? People think more clearly when they are not afraid, so…if/when you get bit by a snake you will simply get bit…but if you are already a little afraid…and you get bit it will make you more afraid, cloud your judgment, and when fear is involved a bite can seem much worse than it realy is.

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