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Posted by Ace on May 02, 2003 at 17:55:30:

In Reply to: Turf posted by jusmebabe on May 02, 2003 at 11:48:01:

:Astro turf is the worst and as stated earlier great for keeping parasites safe and comfortable.

Well, that's just a matter of opinion, I have all my snakes on astroturf and have yet to have
any problems with parasites. As far as disinfecting it, I always soak mine in hot water with
a diluted disinfectant. SEEMS to be working fine :)

:I would scrap it and either use newspaper, aspen, or the brown paper (forgot the name).

Parasites would have just as many hiding places in a wood based substrate as in carpet.
As for disinfecting with wood, If you don't clear the whole area of a defecation and clean
UNDER the area, your probably missing most of the urates. Which will cause bacterial
growth. Properly cleaned, as with ANY substrate, will reduce or eliminate that possibilty.

:you only have to worry about vet bilss when your snake gets tagged from a live rodent

We agree on this point ;). Better to feed prekilled, stunned or F/T, so your snake can't get
injured by a live mouse.

As for the original post...I have a Cal-King that's constantly hiding under his carpet.
So, I don't really see a problem here? The only thing would be if you have loose or
heavy objects in the tank that she could knock over and possibly fall and injure her.
Like oldherper said "Some snakes are going to go under the substrate no matter what you
put in there" So, that would and should be a concern for any substrate. Of course this
is all Just my opinion :P.


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