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water bowl depth for baby kings?

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Posted by msudiverbabe on April 29, 2003 at 19:46:48:

Hey, I have a baby banana cal king that's about 14 inches long. I have a water bowl in there that's maybe 3 or 4 inches deep. I've only seen him drink from it on his own once. When I've put him back into his cage, there's been a couple of times where I'd hold him close to the water, to see if he'd drink. He did drink when I did this, but I'm worried that maybe he's not drinking on his own. I've especially become a little worried since I noticed that he was about to shed yesterday, and I know that moisture is good for them during this process. Anyway, I was just wondering if maybe I should get him a more shallow water bowl, or if this one's fine? Thanks a bunch!

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