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Re: homemade incubators

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Posted by electricbluescat on April 16, 2003 at 12:34:37:

In Reply to: Re: homemade incubators posted by Brandon Osborne on April 16, 2003 at 01:54:12:

:personally I wouldn't recommend using a rheostat for incubating eggs. Depending on where you live and the climate, you may not need an incubator. I have never used an incubator for colubrid eggs. A high shelf in a warm room, the top of the refrigerator, or any place that will stay from 75-85* will work fine. I have seen eggs incubate at temps of 90* in the same incubator as burm eggs, but it's a little too high for my standards. As far as the amount of air want fresh air, but not so much that the eggs dry out. A couple of small holes in each side of the shoe box will be fine. There are many method that will work great. Good luck.

:Brandon Osborne

::I have an idea for making an homemade inucbator but I need some advice right now I have no snakes but will be getting later in august. First take like a rubber maid shoe box mix the vermiculite, water, and moss Place eggs in there the way they were laid. Then heres the question part, could you use a reheostat heat pad underneath this, also use an infrared thermo gun? does this sound like a good idea? put the lid on the shoe box. how much air do eggs need? I know they need humidiy.



Thanks when I get my snakes after they mature it will my first time ever trying to breed snakes. I

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