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Educating my peers.... (not really herp related)

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Posted by Bammer on March 14, 2003 at 19:24:16:

I take biology at my high school and we are stufing incects/arachnids, so I offered my teacher to bring in my scorpion. He let me, so today I brought my 6 inch long Emperor scorpion to show to the class.

Heh, some people are pretty foolish when it comes to inverts. Alot of people were scared of it. I swear, people live in this Disney character world, where the only cute thing is a fuzzy bunny or puppy. I laughed at alot of the expressions I got, but most of the people were curious.

My teacher showed every class period beofore mine, and then I talked about the scorpion during my class.

All in all it was a good experience. My scorpion, who is named Zero, is pretty stressed so im not going to bother her for a couple days.

In a couple of weeks we will be studing reptiles. I am hopefully going to bring in my 6 foot boa for presentation. It should be good. I love education people about animals.

Do you think what I have done is a good idea? I love my animals and I thought it was a good idea to show them off and teach some people about them. What are your people's imput?


also, I am actually going to get pics pretty soon...

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