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Posted by cf on May 12, 2003 at 22:46:24:

In Reply to: Pretty incredible (more) posted by afflicted on May 12, 2003 at 17:53:41:

I actually came across at least 2 dealers from the kingsnake dealers list that had Mexican Spilotes available, but I unfortunitely don't remember who it was. I had time to kill and went through the whole list, but I think they were both close to the top.

Not a really big help, but if you have some time to kill its worth a try.

Looking forward to baby pics!


:The bottom pic is actually two males. The smaller one depicted in the picture is a long term captive. The female I described as not posing for pics is much, much larger than the male and is in another enclosure. The body shown in the foreground is a Mexican ssp that came from Dick Bartletts last clutch before he got rid of the project. I can't find any Mexican ssp females for him but would love to find one. They are actually known for having quite a bit of orange on them. I was planning on possibly using one of these males down the road to "freshen up" the bloodline. Anyone reading this, if you have or know where I can find a Mexican locale, please let me know.

::Really beautiful snakes. The male andd female (new ones in last photo) are they imports? And, does the female have peach/pink on her? I can't tell if its the snake or the photo.

::Thanks for sharing!



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