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Year of the Egg Bound Snakes...

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Posted by Doug T on May 02, 2003 at 01:23:46:

Well now it's my turn to have a female get egg bound.

I had noticed a pretty extended time for each egg to be delivered. After 5 eggs, she seemed to get stuck. I gave her 24 hours to drop the eggs, then I took her to the vet.

The vet feels that the eggs seem to be adhesing(sp?) to the uterine walls. She doesn't feel it's muscle tone or calcium problems because she's working with the snake and it's being quite lively. She thinks that it's possible there's an infection that's setting in near her due date that's causing the eggs to "stick".

Her opinion is that oxytocin is contraindicated since the eggs seem to be stuck and that contractions would actually tear her up inside.

This is an almost 8 year old snake who has been egg bound before when she was 3.

There were 5 eggs that did not pass. The vet was able to remove 3 through the vent. The other 2 will need to be removed surgically.

So I have 2 females in identical cages. One passes all her eggs just fine (her first clutch ever), the other, who has several clutches to her name gets bound. Too weird.

I am very lucky in that I have a couple vets who know their stuff and I expect my snake will be 100% soon.

Doug T

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