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Posted by gila7150 on April 28, 2003 at 22:08:10:
In Reply to: Force feeding tips... posted by hassanblacktail on April 28, 2003 at 12:48:24:
I dont remember the specifics on your feeding problem. Was your cribo a juvie or an adult, WC or CB? Did he never eat well or just suddenly stop?
I remember you telling us a month ago that he was eating fish but still refusing rodents. I would strongly recommend against force feeding if he is still eating anything. Force feeding is a last resort and put's a lot of stress on an animal. If he is eating fish, have you tried scenting rodents w/ fish guts (I though I remembered you telling us this worked for you). I used to use feeder fish for this until I realized that canned tuna works just as well.
If your cribo is big enough, try baby chicks. I offer my cribos F/T chicks once in a while for variety and they love them.
I've also heard of people on this forum who tie a appropriate size rodent to the end of a piece of fish with a piece of cotton thread. The cribo will eat the fish end and usually keep going.
I wouldn't resort to force feeding while he is still eating something, even if you haven't been able to switch him over to rodents yet.
Good luck,
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