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Fred, where did the posts go?

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Posted by GregH on March 07, 2003 at 19:44:55:

Was something really that bad that Kingsnake had to rip the whole thread away?

Fred, did you see my post earlier? If not I will re-post it, I really think you need to see it.

Also, for everyone, Chris Ken emailed me with a very respectfull email. All it took to gain his respect was to show him some respect. Now, I know that there are some of you that just simply dislike him, and through this you may start disliking me, but I hope you can find it in your hearts to maybe wipe the slate clean and start again with him, and anyone else for that matter. If Chris Ken is the only person that I gained respect from through all of this then so be it, I have one more friend in this world!!

Greg Hake

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