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The last thing we need.....

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Posted by lynex17 on February 06, 2003 at 21:03:05:

is for us to not agree on this group. Whoever first thought of it, or whatever group of people did should write up a "statement of purpose" for the group. after it is posted it would be a lot easier to pick a name and follow through with the purpose of the group. don't let all of the misconstrued ideas (not that any of them are bad) get away from us and keep us from doing anything.

I'm sure when we all started reading the posts, we all got a different idea of the possibilities. but possibilities meet realities. this doesn't make them impossible, just, well, realistic. i for one had been throwing around the idea of a vpi for drymarchon(DPI?). but that would take some work. just don't rule it out. in about 20 years from now when i'm an accomplished attorney and have some money saved up...who knows. anybody want the job of their life?....

ANYWAYS, what i'm saying is we've had a lot of great ideas posted on this forum but for any of them to work we must decide on one to begin with and work on it together.
So lets work this out.

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