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I agree & I would change one thing moe...

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Posted by regalringneck on January 26, 2003 at 11:55:15:

In Reply to: I agree but I would change one thing... posted by afflicted on January 26, 2003 at 07:51:11:

What I would do though is work w/ its DNA code instead of against it. That means you get on the feeder forum &/or Glades & buy a dozen anoles: Give it a chance to thrive rather than merely survive. After its a healthy 25-30"er, thats when I'd start moving it over to the diet you'd prefer it to be on.
Good luck, jg

:It sounds as if the animal has a hide box or similar item in the cage. If it does't, get one first. I would do what Dean said but I would offer food within the enclosure, while it is secure in its hide. Send the pink right in to the hidebox with the tail pinch technique. Do not watch and it is best to leave the room. Try different sizes of prey items from day olds to fuzzies. I have had some that refused the appropriate sized prey and wanted only fuzzies. Also remember that we need action and many "day olds", especially ones that have been at the shop for awhile, don't move much. Good luck.

::Baby Spilotes LOVE lots of movement in their prey. Put the snake in a container in which it cannot be bothered. (somewhere where it won't be spooked by any movement outside the container)

::Take a LIVE fuzzy and PINCH the tail, so it's hopping around alot.

::Toss it in the container and leave the snake alone. Temp should be 80-82F. High humidity is good too...which can be attained by using slightly damp cypress mulch for bedding.

::This should work if you have a healthy snake. It may take a while and some patience to get it over to f/ may have to "tease feed" it with tongs to get it over.

::good luck!
::Dean Alessandrini


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