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Re: read any good books lately???

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on January 16, 2003 at 08:23:14:

In Reply to: read any good books lately??? posted by lynex17 on January 16, 2003 at 01:22:13:

Travis, I would HIGHLY recommend some of the more "historical" books to get a real good appreciation for where our hobby/profession has been, who has made the major contributions, and where we are heading into the future. The one book that truly shaped my career path was Carl Kaufeld's "Snakes: The Keeper and the Kept" and "Snakes and Snake Hunting (not the exact name....haven't had my coffee yet so I am a little fuzzy). Because of these two books, I decided at a fairly young age to pursue a career in herpetology. Although these books were written over 40 years ago, they are still highly relevant and you can see what a visionary this person was. There are MANY other people who have made major contributions just as there are people today who are doing the same. I think it is important to understand our hobby from a historical context as it will instill a much deeper sense of appreciation for the hard work that was completed years ago in order to lay down the foundation for today's herpetologists, breeders, hobbyists, etc.

:Hey All--
: I am very admitedly a newbie to keeping snakes (less than a year) but already have 1 kingsnake, a pair of jungle carpets, a black tail cribo, and a trio of taiwan beauty snakes that should be arriving in the morning. What books would you all recommend? i love pythons, drymarchon, and every ratsnake known to man.... I'm looking to get some good books for husbandry, breeding, parasites and treatment and anything else to further my knowlege. thanks for the help...

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