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Baby HL found in southern AZ

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Posted by blackkat on May 06, 2003 at 09:36:39:

In Reply to: Baby HL found in southern AZ posted by gigaber on May 05, 2003 at 17:43:16:

:To minimize stress to the animal, do you recommend that I cover most of the tank glass with paper. I'm not sure if it's better that it gets used to motion in the room, or shelter it from stress?... I'm trying to feed it microscopic small black ants, but no luck so far (I'm only on day one, though). Please advise!


As far as care goes, your set-up sounds good. Make sure the bulb is to one side to give the HL a temperature gradient. I wouldn't worry too much about the paper. They seem to adapt pretty quickly to movement in the room, although you might want to include some sheltering areas. Try a variety of foods. Ideally, if it's big enough, you should feed it harvester ants, the big red ones that sting. Also, if you can find small moths or termites, they really seem to like those. If you can get pinhead crickets at a local petstore, those might work as well. Just make sure that any food item is essentially bite-sized for the HL, and don't add more than 1 or 2 items at a time. Also, remove any food items that the HL doesn't eat, as ants especially might go after the HL! Good luck.

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