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Baby HL found in southern AZ

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Posted by gigaber on May 05, 2003 at 17:43:16:

I can see why there aren't many species of HL on the endangered list in AZ. I was on a hike yesterday in the Catalinas and we must have seen 30 in 4 hours. Most were in family groups, an I found one little fellow who was separated from his family and adopted it.

From the internet, its ID is "Bull Horned Lizard". If it is the size of a quarter, would that make it a hatchling? I've had excellent success raising a baby bearded dragon, and have now purchased a separate 10Gal tank for the HL, with sand for burrowing (which it did immediately), some wood chips similar to the Catalina Mt environment, and a high-end UVA/B bulb.

To minimize stress to the animal, do you recommend that I cover most of the tank glass with paper. I'm not sure if it's better that it gets used to motion in the room, or shelter it from stress?... I'm trying to feed it microscopic small black ants, but no luck so far (I'm only on day one, though). Please advise!


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