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Import/Export and the Lacey Act

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Posted by Jeff Judd on April 27, 2003 at 11:16:18:

In Reply to: Horned Lizards and Laws posted by Jeff Judd on April 26, 2003 at 19:49:12:

Import and export laws are state specific. For instance in California it is illegal to sell, import and export the native species(mcalli,platyrhinos,douglasi,and coronatum) unless under a special permit, all native captive bred offspring must be given away within 45 days. It is perfectly legal for me to breed, sell, trade, import and export all the non native species of horned lizards (excerpt :Except as otherwise provided in federal law, the Fish and Game Code or Section 671, no permit is required to import, export, transport, possess, propagate, buy or sell nonnative reptiles or amphibians.) see for youself here:

You are in violation of the Lacey act only if you have broken a state law in the state where the animal or plant is coming from or where it is going to. See for yourself here:

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