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Re: Taking Nutrition a Step Further

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Posted by Jeff Judd on February 14, 2003 at 16:55:45:

In Reply to: Re: Taking Nutrition a Step Further posted by jteenstra on February 13, 2003 at 22:54:20:

::3. Supplement your babys and pregnant females twice weekly and adult males and non-pregnant females once weekly. Use a mixture of half minerall half reptivite or any other brands just make sure your mixture is half minerals and half vitamins. I have NEVER ran into vitamin or mineral toxicity just problems with deficincy like non movement of limbs and soft bones. I raised one litter of babies with supplement and one without. The ones with supplement grew much faster.


:How do you give the supplement to the HLs?

:John T

Hey John,
Just through some(amount to be eaten in one meal) insect prey into a jar or plastic bag or cup with about a 1/2 teaspoon of a reptile vitamin product and a 1/2 teaspoon of reptile mineral product and shake them around until they are coated with the mix then offer them to the lizards. You can do this with ants as well as any other prey item.

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