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Re: Taking Nutrition a Step Further

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Posted by Jeff Judd on February 26, 2003 at 09:06:16:

In Reply to: Re: Taking Nutrition a Step Further posted by jteenstra on February 26, 2003 at 06:59:36:

:::Thank you for the info. I have tried the "shake and bake" method to a varying degree of success. Seems my HL is very picky when it comes to what the ant looks like. If dusty, he
:::ignores it. Not dusty, down the hatch it goes. I have to feed him two or three ants then drop in a dusted one. Have you had similar experience? Do suppose it just takes getting used to a different looking ant?

:::John T

::Hey John,
:: I don't have a problem with my captive bred individuals not accepting vitamin and mineral coated ants although I have experienced what you are describing with wild caught individuals. Perhaps they are accustomed to certain taste, movement, or color of ants , more study is definetly needed. Some species like solare refuse black ants that are eagerly accepted by other species. What worked for me was coating the ants with a very very light layer meaning throw a small amount in an ant jar but don't shake it. The ants should have it on their feet and a lite layer on their bodies. I also think it might be the individual being picky. You might try to confuse him by throwing three non-coated ants along with one thats coated(from a different jar). The species you have could help in my description.
:: Jeff

:Greetings Jeff,
:My HL is a Phrynosoma Solare, wild caught. He will only eat harvester ants as I have offered him black desert ants (don't know the type) which he avoids. I'll try letting the ants walk around in the Reptivite without shaking them.
:John T
Hey John,
Solare usually aren't very picky eaters(other than not accepting black ants). Instead of dusting the ants you might want to try a small cricket(make sure to remove the hind legs) or a small mealworm they usually accept both. Also add some minerals (such as miner-all).Minerals may be more beneficial than vitamins.

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