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Re: Desert Hl's Hibernating?

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Posted by Les4toads on October 11, 2002 at 11:40:19:

In Reply to: Desert Hl's Hibernating? posted by brattt on October 11, 2002 at 10:24:00:

:Hi I have two desert horned lizards which I take very good care of. I have noticed some say that HL's hibernate. I was wondering if this applies to desert HL's and if so when do they usually begin this process? My two are still doing their normal activities so.. Also while hibernating do they come out to eat or drink? Thanks so much.

:Yes, even Desert Horned Lizards hibernate. There are several reasons why this occurs. 1) Their food source hibernates. Ants "close-up shop" because their food source dries up also. HLs would waste excessive amounts of energy looking for food items that are scarce. (It is an economics thing: cost vs benefits ) 2) The temperatures in habitats are below the "operating limits" of the horned lizard physiology. (You can control the temps in captivity and maintain the upper limits, but the physiology still has a requirement to hibernate. That is one of those evolutionary processes that cannot be manipulated without adverse effects. 3) Hibernation is a natural process that allows rejuvenation in reptiles. It is an evolutionary process that occurs. An attempt to control or alter this process is not beneficial. It does have serious side effects. Lester G. Milroy III

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