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Hogs are Pigs

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Posted by shad925 on March 16, 2003 at 12:20:01:

I just got a baby hog like two weeks ago (and a black and white tegu also very cool) hes like 8 inches, probably the coolest snake I've ever had/seen. He get really defensive all the time, its kind of funny, its like he has a bad personality..Hopefully Im not stressing him too much...You would think I am but he eats like a pig...he ate a pinky like 4 days ago...and I just gave him another today (the tegu wouldnt eat it for some reason)...the dumba$$ bit it horizontally, I felt really bad for the screaming pinky, I had to physically detach him from the pinky b/c he was trying to swallow him that way!..what was funny is that the "poison" didnt faze the pinky (the hognose made two little pricks in the pinky like a vampire) it was squirming till the very end (when his feet were going into the mouth). Now that is some weaka$$ poison...I cant get him to play dead yet...oh well...hes a great girl until she gets all squirmy...these snakes are not made to hold...Ill post pics of the little hoggy soon...Aight thats it...tell me what you think...

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